Identifying and Correcting Duplex Mismatch Problems

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A duplex mismatch, with one side of a link peer running at full duplex and the other side running at half duplex can result in significant performance issues. At low packet rates, like right after installation and during initial "ping testing" it may not be all that noticeable but as rates increase the performance will get worse.

The most common cause is that one side of the link, typically the switch is not auto-negotiating and is set to 100 mbps full duplex and the system adapter is set to auto-negotiate. The auto-negotiation specification states that if the auto-negotiating device does not see the auto-negotiation protocol from its link peer it MUST set itself to half duplex. It can determine the correct speed because the signaling of a 10 mbps link is significantly different from the signaling of a 100 mbps link. The gigabit specification requires both sides of the link to auto-negotiate so this is not an issue on gigabit links.

This article covers how to identify and correct duplex mismatch problems for Stratus VOS STCP systems, Linux based ftServer systems and Microsoft Windows based ftServer systems.

Stratus VOS STCP systems

Identifying duplex mismatch on an STCP adapter

The netstat -interface command will display low level statistics which you can use to identify a duplex mismatch. First, if the RED counters are going up the adapter is in half duplex mode. If the "Transmit frame discarded, late collisions" counter is climbing then the chances are the switch it is connected to is in full duplex mode. If all the RED counters are 0 or at least not climbing the adapter is either in full duplex mode or in half duplex mode on a link with an extremely low volume of packets. If any of the YELLOW counters are climbing the chances are that the switch is in half duplex mode while the adapter is in full duplex mode (assuming that the RED counters are not climbing). There are other reasons for these counters to be non-zero but in the vast majority of cases it is a duplex mismatch.

netstat -interface #SDLMUX-GROUP-A

Ethernet adapters are grouped
Number of failovers = 3

Active Device Statistics:

MAC Type   : CSMA/CD
MAC Address: 00:00:a8:42:34:b7
Device Name: #SDLMUX-GROUP-A
Line Speed : 100 mb/s

MAC Statistics:
  Received frames                          : 40875077
  Received multicast and broadcast frames  : 1109935
  Received octets                          : 3680280538
  Transmitted frames                       : 49595968
  Transmitted octets                       : 634292608
  LAN Chipset re-initialized               : 0
  SQE error                                : 0
  Transmit ring full                       : 0
  Transmit frame discarded, late collisions: 423583
  Transmit frame was deferred              : 609191
  Transmit frame after a single retry      : 131346
  Transmit frame after multiple retry      : 10441
  Transmit frame discarded, excessive retry: 0
  Receive frame discarded, lack of buffers : 0
  Receive frame discarded, improper framing: 0
  Receive frame discarded, an overflow     : 0
  Receive frame discarded, bad CRC         : 0
  Receive frame discarded, bad address     : 0
  Receive frame discarded, congestion      : 0

MAC Summary:
  Transmitted frames         : 49595968
  Transmitted octets         : 634292608
  Retransmitted frames       : 750978
  Received frames            : 41985012
  Received octets            : 3680280538
  Total of lost frames       : 0
Partner Device Statistics:
. . . 

For a fault tolerant interface made up of two adapters the netstat command will display the statistics of the active adapter first, then the statistics of the standby adapter. To identify the actual adapter, use the dlmux_admin command with arguments of the interface name and "sdlmux_status"; it will list the adapters that are part of the interface, which one is active and what their link state is. In the following case #ENET-A-1 is the active adapter.

dlmux_admin #SDLMUX-GROUP-A sdlmux_status
Group Name:          #SDLMUX-GROUP-A
Device Name:         %phx_vos#ENET-A-1
Adapter State:       ACTIVE   UP
Partner:             %phx_vos#ENET-A-2
Partner State:       UP

For PCI adapters (Continuum K470 and K480 daughter adapters and all V-series adapters including embedded adapters) you can positively check what duplex state the adapter is running at with the analyze_system request dump_genet. Match on duplex to reduce the amount of output. Notice that you have to use the adapter name and not the interface name.

as:  match duplex; dump_genet ENET-A-1
   Full Duplex                              = FULL
   ForcedSpeedDuplex                        = 0003
The Full Duplex field will either be FULL or HALF. The ForcedSpeedDuplex tells you what the adapter is fixed for. Note however that 0 can also mean auto-negotiate.

    HALF_10 = 0,                                             
    FULL_10 = 1,                     
    HALF_100 = 2,
    FULL_100 = 3      

For Continuum K460 adapters, the adapter's duplex setting is based on the duplex value in the parameter string of the device definition. If the duplex value is not defined it will default to half. Continuum K450 and K104 adapters will run ONLY in half duplex.

Starting with release 17 netstat will also report the duplex setting,

Correcting duplex mismatch on an STCP adapter

The simplest solution is to change the switch. This typically takes only a few commands and results in a just a momentary link drop. If changing the switch is not an option you can change the adapter.

Assuming that the interface to be changed is the sdlmux group SDLMUX-GROUP-A and the group is composed of the two adapters ENET-A-1 and ENET-A-2 you would take the following steps

  1. Modify the devices.tin so the parameters field of both ENET-A-1 and ENET-A-2 is
        '-sdlmux #SDLMUX-GROUP-A -speed 100 -duplex full'
    I am assuming here that the switch is set to 100/full. If the switch is set to auto-negotiate the parameter string would be
        '-sdlmux #SDLMUX-GROUP-A'
    Do not forget the single quotes surrounding all the parameters
  2. Create the devices.table file and broadcast it (or otherwise move it) to >system
  3. Execute the command "ifconfig #SDLMUX-GROUP-A -delete -no_ask"
  4. Execute the command "dlmux_admin #ENET-A-1 uninit_sdlmux"
  5. Do a who_locked on the #ENET-A-1 and #ENET-A-2 and make sure that they are not locked. If they are try steps 3 and 4 again.
  6. Delete any routes whose gateways are now unreachable, if they have not already been deleted. Starting in 14.7.0am and in 15.0.1ae and beyond they will automatically be deleted.
  7. Execute the command "configure_devices -flush"
  8. Do a display_device_info on both #ENET-A-1 and #ENET-A-2 to make sure that the parameters are now set correctly. If not check devices.tin and make sure that the new devices.table is in >system.
  9. Execute the command "dlmux_admin #ENET-A-1 init_sdlmux"
  10. Execute the command "ifconfig #SDLMUX-GROUP-A -add PARAMETERS"
    where PARAMETERS are the ifconfig parameters and arguments used to configure the interface.
  11. Add any deleted routes back in with the "route add" command.
The simplest thing to do for the last three steps is to look in and copy the dlmux_admin, ifconfig and route commands for the interface from the macro.

Linux based ftServer systems

Identifying duplex mismatch on a Linux based ftServer adapter

The first thing you need to do is list all the Ethernet adapters. The "ftsmaint lsVnd" command will do that as well as associate those adapters to specific interfaces and associate the interfaces with an IP address. As an added bonus the command will list the speed and duplex setting of each adapter.

# /opt/ft/bin/ftsmaint lsVnd

Virtual Network Device (VND) Groups

Group Name   Status  Inet Address    RX Errors  TX Errors  Collisions
bond0        ONLINE             0          0           0
bond1        ONLINE               0          0           0
bond2        OFFLINE -                       0          0           0
bond3        OFFLINE -                       0          0           0
bond4        OFFLINE -                       0          0           0

VND Group Members

Member           Group Name  Status     Interface  Link State  Link Speed  
eth100200        bond0       DUPLEX     UP         LINK        100Mb/s-FD   
eth100201        bond1       SIMPLEX    UP         LINK        100Mb/s-FD   
eth110200        bond0       DUPLEX     UP         LINK        100Mb/s-FD   
eth110201        bond1       BROKEN     UP         NOLINK      -     

In the above example do not confuse the DUPLEX status in column 3 with the Ethernet duplex state. The DUPLEX status indicates that the interface or group name is made up of 2 (or more) adapters. In the above case we can see that bond0 is made up of the two adapters eth100200 and eth110200, both of which are running at 100 mbps full duplex.

Once the adapter name is know the "ethtool -S" command can be used to display low level statistics which you can use to identify a duplex mismatch. First, if the RED counters are going up the adapter is in half duplex mode. If the "tx_abort_late_coll" counter is climbing then the chances are the switch it is connected to is in full duplex mode. If all the RED counters are 0 or at least not climbing the adapter is either in full duplex mode or in half duplex mode on a link with an extremely low volume of packets. If any of the YELLOW counters are climbing the chances are that the switch is in half duplex mode while the adapter is in full duplex mode (assuming that the RED counters are not climbing). There are other reasons for these counters to be non-zero but in the vast majority of cases it is a duplex mismatch.

# ethtool -S eth100201
NIC statistics:
     rx_packets: 912477
     tx_packets: 27277
     rx_bytes: 68499233
     tx_bytes: 32840807
     rx_broadcast: 891524
     tx_broadcast: 309
     rx_multicast: 7
     tx_multicast: 8
     rx_errors: 0
     tx_errors: 8
     tx_dropped: 0
     multicast: 7
     collisions: 9
     rx_length_errors: 0
     rx_over_errors: 0
     rx_crc_errors: 52
     rx_frame_errors: 0
     rx_no_buffer_count: 0
     rx_missed_errors: 0
     tx_aborted_errors: 0
     tx_carrier_errors: 0
     tx_fifo_errors: 0
     tx_heartbeat_errors: 0
     tx_window_errors: 8
     tx_abort_late_coll: 8
     tx_deferred_ok: 10
     tx_single_coll_ok: 7
     tx_multi_coll_ok: 1
     tx_timeout_count: 0
     tx_restart_queue: 0
     rx_long_length_errors: 0
     rx_short_length_errors: 0
     rx_align_errors: 0
     tx_tcp_seg_good: 0
     tx_tcp_seg_failed: 0
     rx_flow_control_xon: 0
     rx_flow_control_xoff: 0
     tx_flow_control_xon: 0
     tx_flow_control_xoff: 0
     rx_long_byte_count: 68499233
     rx_csum_offload_good: 23045
     rx_csum_offload_errors: 0
     rx_header_split: 0
     alloc_rx_buff_failed: 0
     tx_smbus: 0
     rx_smbus: 0
     dropped_smbus: 0

The ethtool command can also be used to determine if the adapter is doing auto-negotiation and if so what it is advertising.

#ethtool eth100201
Settings for eth100201:
        Supported ports: [ TP ]
        Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
                                100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
        Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
        Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
                                100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
        Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
        Speed: 100Mb/s
        Duplex: Half
        Port: Twisted Pair
        PHYAD: 0
        Transceiver: internal
        Auto-negotiation: on
        Supports Wake-on: d
        Wake-on: d
        Current message level: 0x00000007 (7)
        Link detected: yes

Correcting duplex mismatch on a Linux based ftServer adapter

If the switch is set to not auto-negotiate you need to set the adapter to the same speed and duplex setting as the switch. Assuming the switch is set to 100/full you can set the adapter the same why with the commands:

# ethtool -s eth100201 autoneg off
# ethtool -s eth100201 speed 100
# ethtool -s eth100201 duplex full

If the switch is set to auto-negotiate you have to set the adapter to auto-negotiate.

# ethtool -s eth100201 autoneg on
# ethtool -s eth100201 advertise 0x3F

The advertise value of 3F tells the card to advertise all supported speeds and duplex values. You can advertise any set of values by combining the following values:

              0x001    10 Half
              0x002    10 Full
              0x004    100 Half
              0x008    100 Full
              0x020    1000 Full
              0x800    10000 Full
              0x03F    Auto

Frankly, if you are going to auto-negotiate I don't see why you would want to do anything but Auto (3F) but it's an option.

Microsoft Windows based ftServer systems

Identifying duplex mismatch on a Microsoft Windows based ftServer adapter

The only error counters that I have been able to find on the ftServer are the Send and Receive Errors under the Network Driver tab of the Intel PROSet display. I have found that when the adapter is running at half duplex and the switch is full duplex the "Send errors" will go up and when the adapter is set to full duplex and the switch set to half the Receive Errors will go up.

Figure 1 - Intel PROSet Network Driver Tab

Unfortunately the Network Driver tab is not displayed in PROSet release 11 which is part of the ftServer release 5. So in release 5 of ftServer there are no statistics on the server that will indicate a duplex mismatch. You have to rely on statistics on the switch. The Microsoft Windows "netstat -e" command does have an errors counter but while the counter sometimes goes up I have not been able to correlate it to any specific error or error condition. I do not consider it a reliable indication of anything.

To determine what duplex the adapter is running at you can look under the General tab of the Intel PROSet display for releases 4x and 9x or under the "Link Speed" tab for PROSet release 11x. Release 4x (figure 2) will have a green "LED" beside "Full Duplex" if the adapter is running at full duplex and the LED will be off (grey) if it is running at half duplex. Release 9x (figure 3) will actually say full or half duplex. Release 11x (figure 4) will also specify full or half duplex.

Figure 2 - Intel PROSet 4x General Tab

Figure 3 - Intel PROSet 9x General Tab

Figure 4 - Intel PROSet 11x Link Speed Tab

Correcting duplex mismatch on a Microsoft Windows based ftServer adapter

The Intel PROSet display also allows you to change the duplex settings. Exactly where in the display will vary depending on the release and the type of adapter (10/100 mbps versus 10/100/1000 mbps). Note that changing the settings of the adapter will cause the link to drop for a few seconds.

Figure 5 - Intel PROSet release 4x Advanced tab for 10/100 adapters

Figure 6 - Intel PROSet release 4x Link Config tab for 10/100/1000 adapters

In the above figure note that you can configure the card to auto-negotiate any set of speeds and duplex values or not auto-negotiate and force the card to use a specific speed and duplex value. Note also that when forcing a speed your only choices are 10 or 100.

Figure 7 - Intel PROSet release 9x Speed tab

Note in figure 7 that the options are to auto-negotiate either a best speed or only 1000 mbps or to force a specific speed and duplex value. Note that the Speed tab also duplicates the Network Status display under the General tab.

Figure 8 - Intel PROSet release 11x Link Speed tab

One final note, prior to ftServer release 5 (PROSet release 11) the PROSet display could be brought up by double clicking on the PROSet icon in the task bar (figure 9). Starting in ftServer release 5 PROSet has been integrated into the properties dialog of the adapter displayed by the Device Manager. HOWEVER, the Link Speed tab will not be displayed if you use remote desktop to connect to the server unless you use either the /console or /admin arguments (depending on your release) on the mstsc command.

Figure 9 - Intel PROSet 4x and 9x icon on the task bar

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This page was last modified on 08-08-27
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